Friday, January 22, 2010

Girls huddle under a rice basket to escape the rain!

The picture named "Girls huddle under a rice basket to escape the rain" was taken by Steve McCurry in 1983 at Java,Indonesia. The background of the picture is quite simple. The background is almost the green color of the plants and the dark brown of the ground. The color also simple too! It just the dirty white color of the shirt of the younger girl. And the green dress of the bigger girl match the beautiful color of the plant outside. The bigger girl with the green dress (could be the sister of the white shirt girl) holding the rice basket in her head escape from the rain. The white shirt girl (could be younger sister of the green dress girl)huddle behind her sister, she put her hands together, look like she breath slowly to keep her warmer. The sister one hand hold the rice basket one hand hold her dress. Her younger sister huddle so close to her and her eyes look different directions looked innocent does not know what is going on. But her older sister looked like she just saw something shocked, she open her mouth, she could not say anything. The picture not really bright not really dark!
When I looked at the picture, I felt sad. Look at two girls trying to protect themselves from something dangerous or shocked and that they scared. Their simple clothes just simple green dress for the older sister and white dirty shirt for the younger girl. They might be poor. The older sister one hand hold the basket, one hand hold her dress. She must help her mom haverts the rice from farm. Two girls by themselves so they were brave enough to escape. But the younger sister, her face look innocent, she just know that she's cold, put two hands exhale to her hands. Her older sister look shocked she must shock from something. How could they escape or what happened? It is the great picture!

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