Monday, October 4, 2010

Brunelleschi's Dome

The one that I believe most prompted Brunelleschi to succeed in the constructions of his masterpiece is courage. I choose courage because I think that if Brunelleschi doesn’t have courage he could not finish his masterpiece. Before Brunelleschi could come to the Medici family, he had courage to present his “ridiculous” ideas in front of all the architecture. He didn’t fear that they’re going to laugh at him or kick him out of the place. They did kick him out but he had the ability that other did not have, he had courage to bring him up to be a designer. After he joins the Medici, Brunelleschi always have a great skills and interest in art. That helps him with his masterpiece by brilliant architect. But what if he doesn’t have courage? Could Brunelleschi present his idea by facing danger that the dome will fall in the middle of the construction? I think the answer is no. in 1433 when Cosimo had to be in treason and the Albizzi took Brunelleschi with them, the construction stopped for a while. Brunelleschi could think that I stuck in treason, there’s no way that I could finish the dome and may be the Medici could be kill and I will die too. But he didn’t think that and still continue with his masterpiece. Courage helped him think that!

The dome that Brunelleschi made has a big affect in the world. People came and see his masterpiece and say wow, how could he do that! Some other architect would think that they have to think about another masterpiece that people never known of. From that they started to design more and more architect and have more new, interesting ideas. Which is a point of the Renaissance, the rebirth of the world. And when they have new idea, people from other place will come and see, and they continue to start wondering and “what if” and the world will have more new ideas!

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