Once upon a time, there was evil witch named Desser lived in the desert. Not like any wizard lived in desert, had black skin, curly hair, Desser got a white beautiful skin, black straight hair. Her dad was African but her mom was Asian so that why Desser got a beautiful skin! She always kept her hope on her heart that one day she will rule the world and become the most powerful wizard! Day by day, she eavesdropped other witches whispered with each other! “Guys, I heard there was a lightning pumpkin!”- One of the witches began to talk. There was the myth about the light pumpkin that who could use the pumpkin to make a desert and eat it (during Halloween at 12pm) will become the world’s most powerful witch. But if they got a light of the pumpkin, they will lose all their power and they have to stay where they were forever! An idea popped up in Desser’s head. She will get the pumpkin and make the desert. “It’ll so easy”- Desser thought to herself. Do you know why she was so confident? Desser was the popular chef in the Witch Desert’s World. Each desert she created could make the other people change their mind. The flour she used liked made in paradise. They munched slowly, closed their eyes, to appreciate the desert. The witches sucked their fingers after the desert. You could imagine how delicious it was NOW! That night, she reached her broom, tipped toe to the deserted forest. Desser only heard the foxes howl on the top of the mountain. Desser ran her left feet backward to get up the speed, and then flied up to the sky. She landed to the place called: “The pumpkin land” where she heard the witches mentioned. There were a million of pumpkins. Suddenly, Desser found a pumpkin. It was normal like the other one but when Desser came closer, it grew brighter. She put the pumpkin in her bag. Desser flied back, she flied as fast as the rocket with her broom. She was furious about may be someone will come and steal the pumpkin from her. Day by day, Deser just stayed at home, wait until to 31th October. Finally, the day had come. 12 ‘clock. Other witches go to party Trick or Treat, bring with them the pumpkin and candies. The bats came out of the dark cave, sing their celebration song! Only Desser stayed at home. She carefully, took out the pumpkin from her bag. Put into the table. She already prepared all the supplies she needed. Desser reached the knife come closer to the pumpkin. The coronProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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appeared. Her evil eye like a red bull, her glare looked like prepare to kill somebody. Her pupils sharp like a shark. Onee hand holds the knife, one hand holds the pumpkin. Each time she come closer, the corona appear. Can not stand anymore, Desser spearded the knife up high, used all her energy, rush in to the pumpkin. The corona appeared brighter and brighter and then the pumpkin disappears. Desser feels weak. Oh Noooo!!!!! She lost all her power. Now, she just stayed there, no talent and power. Just desert where she lived in!
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