Monday, December 14, 2009

At school, I feel......

At school, I have different feeling in different times. I felt happy with my friends. I have lunch with them. We share our secret and talking about it make a big topic of the day. I feel nervous when the tests or quizzes are coming. My heart pumping so fast, but then I calm down and relax to do well on the test! Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed because m teachers give me so much homework although I know that the want us to done all the things before the break so we could have a free break.
Other side, I also feel joyful doing my homework and project to get a good grade. In the morning, when I wait for the bus to come, I feel really sleepy! My eyes close, I could sleep everywhere at that time!
When I make a new friend or my friends help me with anything, I feel so peaceful ad cozy! I thought I have a best friends in the whole world. Sometimes, things do not went well with our friendship like we were fighting or mad at each other. I feel sad and trying to build up our friendship again!
Over all, I feel really happy and excited when I'm at school as long as I'm with my friends! If I get good grade, I'll jump out of my mind for my happiness and prepare for my trip to come back to Vietnam in one week!

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