Sunday, November 22, 2009

School Transferred

It was last winter, the worst winter ever! I was thinking like that. The story was my parents said I have to transfer to another country and study at international school. When I was young, I never thought that I will transfer until I get scholarship and go oversea. I have to leave my entire good friend and my school. I was so nervous. The people in ISKL were not nice that I thought not every one). My classmates didn't talk with me, except we had to work in team. I used to eat lunch alone. I felt so lonely and angry. At that time, I missed my friends in Vietnam more than ever. I cried sometimes! I don’t want to talk with anyone about that or anything. When I came home, I just go to my room and doing my homework. I didn't tell my mom or dad! But in the end of 6th grade, my classmate began to talk with me more. Then I met Ayaka, Amalia, Anissa in my bus! We began to know each other and then we are good friends now. This year, I'm not shy anymore, now I become talkative! I know more friends from other class. I'm so happy now!

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