Monday, March 28, 2011

Do you actually care and think about the Aboriginal?

Dear The Government of Australia,

The person whom I am who writing this letter is just a normal reluctant Australian who lived in Sydney. I am writing you this letter because I feel that what we are doing is wrong for the Aboriginal Australian. First of all, from the very first beginning, we brought our army to their land without any permission or anything! They were terrify and screaming because they have never seen anything white like us. But after they were nice and welcome us like a family. The relationship between them and us was quite good and friendly. We felt strange too that they are so different from us but our kindness and theirs make us bond together. After a while, we brought our own crops and animal into their land, we just brought it like it was our own land to grow. Some of the animals such as rabbit were not in the food cycle in this land. They keep eating the crop of the people and gaining more and more population that we even have to defend the animal that we brought. We treated the land like it was nobody’s but us. There were not law that said we could not enter and steal their territory. But please think back, if we were in that situation, would you feel happy and pleased if strangers, who have a totally different culture than us, come suddenly to our land and claim that it was theirs? How would you feel, gentleman? May be from our perspective, it was not right. That is the land we have been living for hundreds of year, even though there weren’t laws but still it’s ours. Do you feel it? That’s what the Aboriginal feel like when we claim the land. I also understand that the two group’s culture is very different but the soldiers could not go around shooting people like they were animals and nothing? You could not judge the culture if you do not know the culture really well and also it’s only from our perspective. The most ferocious and barbarous thing that we did to them is stealing their children away from their moms to be train like a British. Could you just imagine, you are an innocent Aboriginal woman who just working in farm and living happily. Suddenly one day, a white man come in and do things to you that you do not want. And you are now carrying a child with a person you do not even know well. But you feel like that is your child, and you love them just like a mom would feel and do. The child is half-caste. Our reluctant Australian think that because they are half caste, and from generations to one another, the Aboriginal will be extinct one day! Day by day, the children and mom have to hide their children from getting caught by the white men. When they take the children away, the mom could not do anything but crying and hitting yourself with a rock. You feel desperate, sadness all over but yourself; a normal Aboriginal could not do anything! How could your self-alone against Mr.Neville? Everyday, you just keep praying and crying, craving for your children to get back to you! And the children? You force them to do what they do not want to do! They do things and live where they do not belongs! Then only the brave ones would have courage and run away! They walk everyday, using courage of seeing their mom could fight back their challenges. We think we are superior? The children’s are superior! If you were in that situation, I do not think that we could do the same thing and run away! May be after, they could become like a white people and act like them! But deep down inside, they always carry this scar in their heart of the devils take them away from their home and force to live in sick places like hell!

Please consider what is the real caring and how really we are superior!

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