Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence Blog.

Through the movie that we are watching in class: Rabbit Proof-Fence. The protagonist who is Molly who is a girl that been taken away from her mom because she’s half-caste and is training to become a full British. I think Molly is valiant, brave girl and she is the hero. Molly is a hero because she is trying to save her sister and herself to go back to where she belongs, her home in Australia. From the first time when she was being taken away, she missed her mom and shouted out her name but she didn’t cry like her sisters. When they being put in the cage, the white men stare at them, her sisters were being scared and hugging each other, but the brave girl just stare at him back. When they arrive at the nun’s house, Molly was being a brave oldest sister for her sisters to lye on. She takes her sisters’ hands and being supportive. Not only brave but Molly is a girl that really love her country and desperate to go back to her mom. She forced and encouraged her sisters to run away from the nun’s house. She said very straight that this place is full of bad people and it makes her sick, so she is going back home. If Molly weren’t brave like her sister she wouldn’t try to go back home. She was not scared of being caught and be punished by the nun and Mr. Neville. When she’s see the thunderstorm is coming, the intelligence girl immediately thinks that the rain will cover her track mark and her scent. Molly is the leader of the group. She is the one who’s making plan for her sister to follow. Molly told her sister to pull out her bag to stuck it in the tree so that the tracker will think that they have been go forward but actually they are going backward. We haven’t watched the full movie yet but if she using this intelligent that she has, the three sisters will be success and come back home with their mom.


  1. This is a great response, you explained why you thought Molly was the hero and you supported it with evidence. You have a few grammer mistakes and one or two missing words. Good job!

  2. You mentioned a favourite part of mine as well. When Molly stares right back at her kidnappers. She is defiant and brave and never shows true despair or fear.
    Great post Anh.
