Saturday, August 22, 2009

Let’s your mind start a journeys thru a strange new world.

"Let’s your mind start a journeys thru a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be… Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar and you’ll live as you’ve never lived before”- Anonymous

In seventh grade, I have three goals for me at school! There are read books, writing skills and move to Humanities at the end of second trimester. I love books and I think is really important and helpful for everybody writing skills! By reading books, I can learn from the author many good words and sentences. Then, I will use them in my essays! I know how to become a good readers and why. If they have any new words I will write it down and memorize their definition so I can keep them in “my own dictionary”. I try to read books as much as I can even it’s really thick! I want to challenge myself. Every night, I try to read one chapter of the book (about 20-30 pages). My writing is not good! I’m trying to improve it as best as I can! I will write any chance I get like at school, at home, during lunch… Dad bought me an exercise writing book. It’s call “Write Brain”. I use it everyday and they have a lot of different topics. I just random pick a topic even It’s hard or easy because it’s so much fun to do that! I will always keep trying to do my best at writing! My last goal for school is move to Humanities at the end of second trimester. I know is sound quite impossible but I still doing my best! I’ll read without dictionary to try to understand what are they writing about. I also write as best as I can to improve! Beside, I could watch English movies with no subtitle to help my listening skills!

Not only in school that I have my goals, I also have my goal for myself outside school. There are swimming, drawing and guitar skills. My classmates are really great at swimming so I want to practice and do as best as they did! My drawing is fine but I want to practice more to do better. No one is perfect! I am study guitar! I’m just a beginner so I want to learn more so I can show my talent and play any song I like! I promise that I will try to finish my goals!

Last week, I studied about Phan Ku – a Great Creator of the world. I think the Chinese created Phan Ku myth because they believe that the world was create by someone and he was big a size like a giant so he can have enough power to separated sky from earth with his chisel. He used the power to put all the sea to where they are now, Phan Ku pulled the mountain higher and scooped the valleys. Phan Ku gave everything he had to the world. He was died because of make the world! I draw Phan Ku has a green hair because after he died his hair turn to plant life. The soil is brown so I draw Phan Ku’s body brown! In one hand I draw he holds the chisel so he can separate sky from earth. Around him I draw mountains, moon, stars, humans and more because it all his create things. I also draw a broken hen’s egg because he born from the egg! I draw the bridge that he taught people!

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