Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My SLR Progress Today

1 SLR I doing well in class:
In Esl I’m Communicate Effectively. When my class discussion the topic about myths or check homework. I usually rise my hand so can I answer. I answer as best as I could. I discuss carefully with my partner in class. Explain for my friends if he/she doesn’t understand with kindness and honestly.

1 SLR I need to improve in class
I think I need to improve about Think Creatively because in class or my homework. I didn’t think about much creative thinking. I always use the same word when I describe something in the paragraph. I will improve by find another word that really interesting but also have all the idea of the old word.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The different between Pandora and Orphan Boy

In Pandora story and the Orphan Boy, I think the most important similar point is that both of the stories the curiosity is negative and dangerous. I think is the most important point because first in Pandora box story, Pandora because of her curious she was opened the box. The box brought all the disaster for the world. Worldwide have to stand and prepare all the disease, envy, betrayed… The world will not or I can say can not live peacefully with other like before. Zeus wanted to punish the people, that why he told one of the gods make and gave Pandora the box and the curiosity.
In the Orphan Boy myth, the old man and Kileken was living together and happy. Suddenly, the old man’s curious couldn’t stand anymore. It was liked the volcano, wanted to blow up everything. After, he found out Kileken’s secret power that Kileken used to survive and Kileken was gone. The old man respect Kileken like his son, the best son he have had. He left the old man alone with his loneliness forever. Pandora had to regret a lot about what she has done because of her curiosity. The old man had to live with his loneliness forever without his favorite and only son.

About the different between those stories, the most different point is that the gift Zeus gave Epimethius which was Pandora and the box was the punishment to human. But Kileken was the best gift for the old man. He helped the old man survive during the drought, take the water, did all the morning chores and farming thing. Pandora opened the box that brought all the disaster to worldwide. That shows how evil Zeus was. Kileken was the best and luckiest gift for the old man. He had a happy time with his son. Kileken was done his best. In Pandora myth, Pandora was also dangerous. She broke the love between Epimethius and Prothemeus( younger brother and older brother). Zeus gave her the box but she didn’t know what inside the box! But Kileken was the old man gift and he knew!

My Pandora Wordle

In my wordle picture about Pandora in our myths stories. I choose fifteen words that describe about Pandora and the object influence her life like box, beautiful, lovely, hope, and despair… The biggest word that I made was Curiosity. I made that word biggest because in the story, Pandora’s curiosity made her opened the box bring all the disaster, disease, envy and a lot of bad thing. It’s a theme of the story that is the most important point. The word that I made bigger than the others was Hope. When all the disasters cam out of the box, Hope was the only thing inside the box. Pandora let him out so worldwide have hope to do everything. All others words is not important as those two so made it smaller! In conclusion, I want to say that the most two important things about Pandora are curiosity and hope. It made so much trouble for the world and Pandora!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Anh Book Report Reflection

In my book report the project that I did was the diaries keep by the main character named Eddie. I choose diaries because in my book, Eddie was met five people he has to meet in heaven. I think my book is kind of boring because it talks about old people and the happened that happened around real life like betrayed, love, and job… But it was help me a lot about how m point of view about the world and the old people, how to forgiven people although they did many bad thing to you or our family! If they know their mistake and improve it so we can forgive each other, we will live in peaceful world! Like I said before, my book was boring so next time I’ll get a funny and humorous! And probably not so many people died in he book! About m presentation and the project, I think it was fine! One thing that I did well is that I tried as best as I can, I did practice a home and enough eyes contact. One thing that I need to improve on is talk louder and more confidence because in my presentation I still have not really confidence and less pausing!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Memories

I have a lot of memories related to my items that I always keep in my mind. But like every one else, I also have the top two of my memories. And talk about the specialist so its have to keep most of my memories and relate to others thing!

I’m a strong girl, so I’m not usually cry and cry because of little thing like when I fall down or hit by someone. But only one item could make me cry right after I read it. It is my old friends created for me. They are Vietnamese. About nine months ago, before I arrived to Malaysia, my class had a party to say goodbye to me. In the party, they gave me that book. We named it “Friendship’s book”. All of my friends wrote about our friendships, how we meet each others and they sent me all their love and happiness. They show their pictures and profile to make sure I will never forget them. How sweet of them! And like their wish, I would never forget them- my best friends. Sometimes, when I saw the book, my tears appear because I miss them so much. Then I open it and read over and over again!

My second best memories item for a long time ago was my hamster. I still remember the winter two years ago, it was Chinese New Year. My mom and I walked to the temple near our home. In front of the gate, there was a hamster seller. He sold a lot of hamster and all different style. Suddenly I saw a cute little hamster with brown and white hair. I was begged my mom to buy and she nodded. I named her Kiko. I took care of her everyday, fed for her, made sure that the cold air can’t come through. After one week, I had to travel in a trip to Thailand with my parents for vacation. I was worried for Kiko. I couldn’t leave her alone so I pleased my grandma to tokk care of Kiko for me. I told her carefully how to take care of Kiko. I felt fine then I arrived. I called my grandma every single day to ask about Kiko’s health. Two week later, my grandma called. She said Kiko died because it was too cold in Vietnam. I shocked. I cried. I can’t believe it happened. My grandpa made a small grave for her so every year I can visit her. I still love her so much and I hope she doing well in heaven.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Orphan Boy_Summary

In Orphan boy myth, when the old man gazed stars, he noticed that one of the stars is missing. A boy named Kileken who was orphan and he traveled to find a home. The old man let Kileken stayed in his house. Like magic, Kilenken did all the morning chores, take water and take care of old man. He was curious and finally he find out by follow Kileken. But Kileken saw him and he was gone after. The old man had to continue live alone with a loneliness again!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Name Blog

My name means peace and safety in English. My grandfather decided named me that because he wanted me to be a peaceful and safe girl! It was a Vietnamese’s popular lawyer. She was great and I know that my family wants me to be grateful like her! My cousins’ name all begin with an “A”.For example: Anh,An...

The advantage of my name is that easy to say (call). So if I have to study overseas, everybody can say my name. My name has another thing that it’s not easy to make fun of it! My friends can not think of another word to make fun of me. But every name has a bad point. Mine also has too! It’s a lot of people name as same as me. Someday at school, some people call: “Anh”, I always turn back or say: “Yeah?” although they don’t mean me! How embarrassing!

Like I said my name is hard to make fun but my friends made fun of it one time! When I was in third grade, they called me: “Anh Pig” because I was too big at that time! They kept saying that whole time. It was made me so upset and angry. I punched the guy who created the name! After that, my teacher was really mad and screamed that I can’t do that ever again.

I like my name because is pretty and the meaning is beautiful! And it was a name of a great woman: I’ll be a great woman like her and help people! But I don’t like it because so many people have the same name as me like that!

I’d like to create a new name for me! A cooler name like: Mia. I want my name is Mia because she is my favorite character in my Princess Diaries- my favorite book. It will fit me for my personality.