Thursday, September 17, 2009

Anh Book Report Reflection

In my book report the project that I did was the diaries keep by the main character named Eddie. I choose diaries because in my book, Eddie was met five people he has to meet in heaven. I think my book is kind of boring because it talks about old people and the happened that happened around real life like betrayed, love, and job… But it was help me a lot about how m point of view about the world and the old people, how to forgiven people although they did many bad thing to you or our family! If they know their mistake and improve it so we can forgive each other, we will live in peaceful world! Like I said before, my book was boring so next time I’ll get a funny and humorous! And probably not so many people died in he book! About m presentation and the project, I think it was fine! One thing that I did well is that I tried as best as I can, I did practice a home and enough eyes contact. One thing that I need to improve on is talk louder and more confidence because in my presentation I still have not really confidence and less pausing!

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