Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Name Blog

My name means peace and safety in English. My grandfather decided named me that because he wanted me to be a peaceful and safe girl! It was a Vietnamese’s popular lawyer. She was great and I know that my family wants me to be grateful like her! My cousins’ name all begin with an “A”.For example: Anh,An...

The advantage of my name is that easy to say (call). So if I have to study overseas, everybody can say my name. My name has another thing that it’s not easy to make fun of it! My friends can not think of another word to make fun of me. But every name has a bad point. Mine also has too! It’s a lot of people name as same as me. Someday at school, some people call: “Anh”, I always turn back or say: “Yeah?” although they don’t mean me! How embarrassing!

Like I said my name is hard to make fun but my friends made fun of it one time! When I was in third grade, they called me: “Anh Pig” because I was too big at that time! They kept saying that whole time. It was made me so upset and angry. I punched the guy who created the name! After that, my teacher was really mad and screamed that I can’t do that ever again.

I like my name because is pretty and the meaning is beautiful! And it was a name of a great woman: I’ll be a great woman like her and help people! But I don’t like it because so many people have the same name as me like that!

I’d like to create a new name for me! A cooler name like: Mia. I want my name is Mia because she is my favorite character in my Princess Diaries- my favorite book. It will fit me for my personality.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I think your name has a great meaning and I agree with you that your name is easy to call and I also like your name because we can't think of other nicknames because I had so many nicknames when I was young!
