Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The different between Pandora and Orphan Boy

In Pandora story and the Orphan Boy, I think the most important similar point is that both of the stories the curiosity is negative and dangerous. I think is the most important point because first in Pandora box story, Pandora because of her curious she was opened the box. The box brought all the disaster for the world. Worldwide have to stand and prepare all the disease, envy, betrayed… The world will not or I can say can not live peacefully with other like before. Zeus wanted to punish the people, that why he told one of the gods make and gave Pandora the box and the curiosity.
In the Orphan Boy myth, the old man and Kileken was living together and happy. Suddenly, the old man’s curious couldn’t stand anymore. It was liked the volcano, wanted to blow up everything. After, he found out Kileken’s secret power that Kileken used to survive and Kileken was gone. The old man respect Kileken like his son, the best son he have had. He left the old man alone with his loneliness forever. Pandora had to regret a lot about what she has done because of her curiosity. The old man had to live with his loneliness forever without his favorite and only son.

About the different between those stories, the most different point is that the gift Zeus gave Epimethius which was Pandora and the box was the punishment to human. But Kileken was the best gift for the old man. He helped the old man survive during the drought, take the water, did all the morning chores and farming thing. Pandora opened the box that brought all the disaster to worldwide. That shows how evil Zeus was. Kileken was the best and luckiest gift for the old man. He had a happy time with his son. Kileken was done his best. In Pandora myth, Pandora was also dangerous. She broke the love between Epimethius and Prothemeus( younger brother and older brother). Zeus gave her the box but she didn’t know what inside the box! But Kileken was the old man gift and he knew!

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